We started by trying to install CM .
These are the steps we followed were
1. Installed eclipse
2. Installed Android SDK and AVD
3. Then as per
a. link1
b. link2
Problem : It just hung up and did not proceed.
Problem : We couldn’t find the following options
1. Go to Available Packages
2. Click on Add Add-on website to add the site
c. link3
Problem : There was no target option available , So we couldn’t finish creating a
new device to add on the AVD
——————————Solution we came up with —————————————–
We Bought Motorola Droid Bionic (“targa”) and implemented the steps described in this page.
1.Prepare the Build Environment
2.Install the SDK
3.Install the Build Packages
4.Create the directories
5.Install the repo command
6.Put the ~/bin directory in your path of execution
7.Initialize the CyanogenMod source repository
8.Download the source code
9.Get prebuilt apps
We encountered problems on transferring the source code to the mobile device. We could
successfully download it to the virtual machine(ubuntu).